
Melissa contacted Kim Carpenter Portraits, Lakeland Photographer in need of a personal branding session. She was updating her website, and was looking for professional headshots to use. She had professional hair and makeup done by Kristen Rebimbas from On The Go

Mike contacted Kim Carpenter Portraits, Lakeland Photographer, in need of a Personal Branding Session. Mike is a local barber at Kirkland’s Barber Shop located in South Lakeland FL, in the Lake Miriam Publix Plaza. He wanted professional headshots that showcased his love for cutting

Andrea Johnson contacted Kim Carpenter Portraits, a Lakeland Photographer, in need of family portraits for Christmas. The Johnson's have been close family friends since my family moved to Florida in 2011. I love this little family; they were so fun

Kimberly Campbell Wyant contacted Kim Carpenter Portraits, a Lakeland photographer, for a stylized portrait session for personal branding. This shoot was envisioned to be with an eccentric, creative model. I asked my Facebook followers who was the most eclectic and unique person people

Brittnie contacted Kim Carpenter Portraits, a Lakeland Photographer for portraits of her getting "glammed up!" Her mom, Janice, and her sister accompanied her to her professional portrait session. She had her professional hair and makeup done by Kristen Rebimbas from On

Kathryn Rahn contacted Kim Carpenter Portraits, a Lakeland photographer looking for a professional headshots session to help recreate her personal branding. She works for Keller Williams Realty and focuses on Lakeland and the surrounding areas. Kathryn attended Georgia Southern University. She had

Pat's Hair Design & Color Group is a wonderful hair salon that came to Kim Carpenter Portraits, a Lakeland Photographer, in need of professional headshots and personal branding portraits of the salon stylists. These portraits were used on their website:

Jennifer came to Kim Carpenter Portraits, a Lakeland Photographer, in need of professional headshots. She had professional hair and makeup done by Jessica from Luminous. She recently wanted a lifetstyle change; she decided to move to Lakeland from Mississippi, and