
Pam and her daughter Ava both came to Kim Carpenter Portraits, a Lakeland photographer, for a  combo photoshoot: Professional Headshots  and a Mommy and Me session. Her husband, Chris, booked the session for Mother's Day. Pam needed professional headshots for

Lauren and her boyfriend, Brian, came to Kim Carpenter Portraits for a couples session. Both Brian and Lauren also had individual portraits taken.  She is a repeat customer; she wanted to get portraits done again since she enjoyed the photos from

Michelle booked a session with Kim Carpenter Portraits for professional headshots. She used these portraits for personal branding and her business. Michelle owns two outdoor lighting stores, Signature Lighting and Fans, a shop in both Lakeland and Tampa. The lighting

Vicky booked a session with Kim Carpenter Portraits for professional headshots. She will use the portraits for personal branding and her online profiles. Vicky works for Thrive; she sells products for weight management, fitness, and lean muscle support. She was

Bianca came to Kim Carpenter Portraits seeking professional headshots for her online profiles and personal branding. She works as an Area Director with N2 Publishing to help network communities and grow businesses. Specifically, Bianca is a publisher of Eaglebrooke Life for the residents